An appointment time for you to secure.
In the area of transferring tax residency in the UAE, it is easy to come across incorrect or misleading information. Faced with this ambient confusion, our mission is to offer you proven and reliable advice.
Join guarantee the veracity of each recommendation regarding your tax move, thus ensuring a smooth transition to the UAE.
Our team can assist you in the necessary arrangements to consider optimal structuring of your business.
DiscoverOur tax department
Lawyers tax specialists
Our team is made up of tax lawyers.
They complemented their muscular skills with mastery of the tax convention between France and the Emirates.
Our references include major French and Belgian companies.
MAJ is a member of the
Frequently asked questions and answers
Tax optimization, that is to say?
Tax optimization consists of effectively structuring your activities, assets, and your personal and professional situation in order to minimize your tax burden while respecting the laws in force. As a specialist tax consultancy between the UAE and the rest of the world, we offer the following services:
- Study of your current structure : We analyze your activities, assets, and your personal and professional situation to identify tax optimization opportunities.
- Analysis of cross-border transactions : We assess the tax implications of your chargeback transactions between Dubai and France, taking into account your personal situation and its impacts.
- Proposal of an optimization plan : We offer you a tailor-made optimization plan that meets the requirements of the French Tax Administration as well as local UAE obligations.
Our goal is to help you maximize your tax benefits while ensuring compliance with international regulations.
What are French & Emirati bonds?
- This concerns the keeping of your accounts and the establishment of financial statements to local standards.
- Filing of accounts and monitoring of reporting obligations (including VAT returns).
- The implementation of a re-invoicing agreement if necessary.
- Application of the tax treaty between France and the Emirates
- The drafting of employment contracts and the publication of payslips and social declarations.
Is Dubai considered a tax haven?
No, this is no longer the case.
In 2019, the Emirates adopted international standards for the creation of offshore companies. Since then, Dubai is no longer part of the black list of tax havens established by the OECD or the gray list.
Is there a tax risk by coming to set up in Dubai?
Are there taxes in Dubai?
There is a 5% VAT and a Corporation tax up to 9% of profits exceeding AED 375.
Is there an obligation to file accounts and keep accounts in Dubai?
Since the arrival of corporate tax, all companies registered in the UAE are obliged to keep accounts.
In the event of a tax audit, how will you prove that you have complied with the law? To use your financial leverage in the Emirates, how will you prove the good health of your business? The answer is simple: good accounting certified by an accountant is the best guarantee of confidence.
ContactDo you want to meet us ?
Available 7 days a week
10:00 AM - 22.00 PM
Monday - Sunday